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SEO Tools – The best of the bunch

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Different Search Engine Optimisation tools hold different meanings for different web masters and bloggers, and it is really difficult to compile a list of “the best SEO tools”. Still, most of the SEO requirements are generic in nature, for instance, your typical Search Engine Optimisation campaign entails:

  • Optimised source code
  • Keyword analysis
  • SEO-optimised content
  • Meta tags analysis
  • Search engine submissions and monitoring
  • Getting quality back links

I’ll be listing here the best SEO tools you can use to handle the Search Engine Optimisation tasks mentioned above.

Source code validation

From the SEO perspective it is very important to have clean, validated markup. The two online tools that help you write validated markup are:

Keyword analysis

It is very critical to know what are the right keywords for you. Getting tons of traffic for wrong keywords can prove to be a costly affair both in terms of lost business and bandwidth costs. Here are some tools you can use to find out what are the right tools for you:

Search Engine Optimised content

Although it is very hard to find a tool that writes optimised content for you, you can use some tools to gauge the keyword density of your content. Here are a few online tools that can help you check your keyword density.

Meta tags analysis

Some say meta tags are important and some say they are no longer important. Well, why take chances. Properly using meta tags, using the right meta tags with right information in them, and using them in right manner doesn’t harm. The following tells help you analyse your meta tags.

Search engine submissions and monitoring

For search engine submissions and monitoring I think the best tool is hard work. Automated tools are not recommended to submit your website to various search engines and online directories. So for search engine submissions I think the best tool is you.

Link popularity

Link popularity has become a potent SEO tool. It’s always been around in the form of those thousands of link exchange programs but now the search engines have developed more sophisticated algorithms to measure genuine link popularity. Hence the web masters and bloggers take their link popularity campaigns very seriously. Here are some online tools you can use to track your link popularity.

This is going to be a constantly evolving list as I’ll be adding more links here as I come across them, so either bookmark this post or add it your favorite bookmarking website.

Also, if you have any SEO tools that you think I should check out and include in this list, please let me know.

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