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Scale model your designs in line

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The maquetación is the structuring of the elements of a site, is one of the most important stages of the design because it will be the form in which you the future organize and you visualize the information in in your page Web. Yaml Builder is an application that allows you to in line do all the maquetado one of a site with a simple interface, being able to create fluid designs or of fixed dimensions.blogger templateThis application consists essentially of the following thing:

HTML - Here you select the amount of elements to contain the information like the head, the footer and the number of columns.

CSS - From you can here select to the location and size of each element.

Add elements - Once you do dice click in “add” in some element, from this panel you can add boxes of content, columns, lists, headed or text fields.

Once you find constructed your design you can give click in “ToggXuất bản Bài đăngle View” to have a previous Vista and “Get Code” to obtain code CSS and HTML of your design.


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